Leveraging LinkedIn Top 100 Lists Results in a 400% Return On Spend

  • Curated Lists
  • LinkedIn PPC
  • List Building
  • Prospecting


Our client was frustrated because while the marketing team was running LinkedIn ad campaigns, sales were yielding very few form conversions.



The Opportunity

We saw an opportunity to maximize the amount being spent by mining engagement data to get more value from the click spend than just whatever forms happen to come in.

The Plan

We mined the data, identified the top companies that engaged with the ad, located the decision makers’ contact information, and delivered the prospect to sales including all intel like company size, revenue, industry etc., and including what product the prospect engaged with and how many times they clicked.

The Results

An additional $60k in new opportunities was uncovered in the last half of 2024 (investment in curated top 100 lists was $12k during the same period.

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