Why would I need a Google Ads agency to manage my Google PPC?

Google Ads is an online advertising solution that businesses use to promote their products and services on search engines and other websites on the internet. Businesses can choose how many Google Ads to set up and manage Google ads by customizing targeting, choosing specific ad goals, indicating advertising budget, and more.

Here are some compelling facts about Google Ads:

  • More than 7,000,000 advertisers use Google Ads for PPC.
  • 80% of businesses focus on Google Ads for their PPC campaigns.
  • An ad in the top-ranking position of a Google search receives an average click-through rate of 7%.
  • For every $1 spent on Google Ads, the average business generates $2 in revenue.

A Google Ads agency helps businesses in all industries and markets manage Google ads. From the content to the execution, a Google Ads agency has the expertise and experience to expertly manage Google ads for any business.

Although some businesses might be hesitant to partner with a Google Ads agency to manage their Google PPC ads, there are many benefits.

The most important reason is that a Google Ads agency will know how to best leverage Google PPC ads for the company’s marketing initiatives and goals. Google Search Network offers 6 different types of ads for marketers. There are text ads, dynamic search ads, call-only ads, shopping ads, image ads, and video ads.

Although the marketing department may understand their business and initiatives better than a Google Ads agency, they might not understand the different types of Google ads available.

In addition, a Google Ads agency understands how to segment target groups and create content that is engaging and convincing to each group. They can help the business efficiently manage Google ads to get the best results without breaking the budget.

A Google Ads agency understands the inner workings of Google PPC. That’s why partnering with a Google Ads agency to manage your Google PPC is a good choice.

If you are interested in partnering with an expert Google Ads agency to manage your Google PPC, contact us for help today.